Pool Villa Rest House Only for Family

Pool Villa Rest House Only for Family

Additional information

Indoor kitchen

Indoor kitchen

Indoor swimming pool

Indoor swimming pool

Kids playground

Kids playground

3 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms

Dining room

Dining room

Indoor majlis

Indoor majlis

Outdoor parking

Outdoor parking

2 Bathrooms

2 Bathrooms

Living room

Living room

What this place offers

2 King-size beds

2 King-size beds

Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi



4 Single-size beds

4 Single-size beds


Pool Villa Rest House is a great location for you and your family to celebrate all of life’s moments. With two kids' playgrounds, this rest house will provide the perfect spot in which any occasion can happen!

Things to know

Start From 2500 QAR

Per Night

You will not be charged for this service at this time.